Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
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Board of Supervisors Resolutions
2018 Resolutions
2018-R-1 Resolution to augment and amend the 2017-18 budget
2018-RA-R-1 Resolution to augment and amend the 2017-18 budget of Redevelopment Authority
2018-R-2 Adopting and approving an interlocal agreement between Lyon County and Carson City to provide for mutual delivery of water resources
2018-R-3 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2018 Redevelopment Revolving Fund, Downtown Entry Signs Account, to design downtown gateway signage
2018-R-4 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2018 Redevelopment Revolving Fund, Special Event Account, for the rental of special event tents and facilities for Carson City Fair at Fuji Park
2018-PC-R-1 Recommending the BOS approval of MPA-18-007, a Master Plan Amendment to re-designate APNs 008-521-54, -55, -89, and -90, 008-522-16, -17, and -18, 008-531-59 and -60 from industrial to mixed use residential
2018-PC-R-2 Recommending to the BOS approval of MPA-18-004 Master Plan Amendment to add language and graphics related to non-motorized single track trail system
2018-R-5 Resolution creating the Arts and Culture Fund, a Special Revenue Fund
2018-R-6 Authorizing donation of surplus items
2018-R-7 Reporting the City Engineer's estimated Assessment Roll for FY 2019, identifying the cost to be paid by the Downtown NID for maintenance of the Downtown Streetscape Enhancement Project
2018-R-8 Creating the Business Development Fund, a Special Revenue Fund
2018-R-9 Adopting the Carson City Storm Water Management Plan update
2018-R-10 Confirming Downtown NID assessment
2018-R-11 Setting the tax rate for County Cooperative Extension for the FY 2019
2018-PC-R-3 Recommending BOS approval of MPA-17-185, a Master Plan Amendment to create a new specific plan area for the southeast portion of the existing Lompa Ranch
2018-R-11A Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2019 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various special events
2018-R-12 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2018 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for purchase of replacement overhead string lights for McFadden Plaza
2018-R-13 Interfund loan from the Regional Transportation Fund to CAMPO Fund
2018-R-14 To augment and amend the 2017-2018 budget
2018-R-15 Accepting real property for use as a public street, Mills Landing
2018-R-16 Accepting real property for use as a public street, Silver Oak Phase 21
2018-R-17 Accepting real property for use as a public street, Silver Oak Phase 22
2018-R-18 Accepting real property for use as a public street, Lompa Lane
2018-R-19 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2019 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various arts and culture special events
2018-R-20 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2019 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various events and incentives
2018-R-21 Authorizing expenditures of funds to non-profit organizations for FY 2019
2018-R-22 To levy the FY 2018-19 ad valorem tax rates as certified by the Nevada Tax Commission
2018-R-23 Providing for the transfer of the city's 2018 Private Activity Bond Volume Cap to the Nevada Rural Housing Authority
2018-R-24 Amending the maximum number of residential building permit allocations for the years 2019 and 2020, 2021 and 2022
2018-R-25 Concerning the financing of the water projects; proposal to issue general obligation water bonds
2018-DMC-R-1 Concerning submission to the Carson City Debt Management Commission of a proposal to issue general obligation water bonds
2018-R-26 Relinquishment of state highway land
2018-R-27 Resolution of intent, proposing the issuance of and authorizing the publication of notices relating to general obligation water bonds
2018-R-28 Approving the intent to lease space of Carson City Sheriff's Office to the State of Nevada Department of Administration; Public Works
2018-R-29 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2019 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support the passport to downtown special event
2018-R-30 Designating Carson City, Nevada as a Bee City USA® Affiliate
2018-R-31 Consenting to relinquishment and land transfer agreement, SR-529
2018-R-32 Consenting to relinquishment and land transfer agreement, FRCC01
2018-R-33 Consenting to relinquishment and land transfer agreement, SR-518
2018-R-34 Consenting to relinquishment and land transfer agreement of multiple parcels
2018-R-35 Approving the intent to lease space of Carson City Sheriff's Office to the State of Nevada Department of Administration; Public Works
2018-R-36 Expressing support of the proposed technical corrections to the Carson City Lands Bill
2018-R-37 Adopting the Carson River Watershed Regional Floodplain Management Plan 2018
2018-RA-R-2 Amending and superseding Resolution 2017-RAR-1 and 2017-R-1 to continue the Carson City Redevelopment Façade Improvement Program for project areas 1 and 2
2018-R-38 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2019 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for the Bob Boldrick Theater Rehabilitation Project
2017 Resolutions
2017-R-1 Amending resolution 2016-RAR-3 and 2016-R-22 to continue the Carson City Redevelopment Façade Improvement Program for areas 1 and 2
2017-RA-R-1 Amending resolution 2016-RAR-3 and 2016-R-22 to continue the Carson City Redevelopment Façade Improvement Program for areas 1 and 2
2017-R-2 BOS proclaims the existence of an emergency and/or disaster and requests assistance from the Governor of the State of Nevada, Weather/Flooding
2017-R-3 Adopting policies on state legislative issues for the 2017 session of the Nevada Legislature
2017-R-4 To augment and amend the 2016-17 budget of Carson City
2017-RA-R-2 To augment and amend the 2016-17 budget of the Carson City Redevelopment Authority
2017-R-4A BOS proclaims the existence of an emergency and/or disaster and requests assistance from the Governor of the State of Nevada, Weather/Flooding
2017-R-5 Authorizing expenditure to Carson City Public Works for the rehabilitation of the Blue Line Historic Tour sidewalk marker, and to the Visitors Bureau for the Reimagine Space Public Art Program
2017-R-6 Adopting a fee schedule including various fees for liquor licenses
2017-R-7 Reporting City Engineer's estimated Assessment Roll for FY 2018 identifying cost to be paid by the Downtown NID
2017-R-8 Authorizing a medium-term obligation to finance the cost of acquiring, improving, and equipping vehicles, facilities, information technology and the communications console system
2017-R-9 Setting the tax rate for County Cooperative Extension for the FY 2018
2017-R-10 Creating the Schulz Ranch Landscape Maintenance Fund, a Special Revenue Fund
2017-R-11 Determining that Carson City's interest in water permit 36079 located in Washoe Valley is no longer required for public use
2017-R-12 Confirming the Downtown NID assessment and ratifying the City Engineer's Assessment Roll for FY 2017-18
2017-R-13 Providing for the transfer of Carson City's 2017 Private Activity Bond Volume Cap to the Nevada Rural Housing Authority
2017-R-14 Concerning the financing of sewer projects; proposal to issue general obligation sewer bonds additionally secured by pledged revenues
2017-R-15 - Skipped/Not Used
2017-R-16 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2017 Redevelopment Authority Revolving Fund to support the Carson City Fair
2017-R-17 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2018 Redevelopment Authority Revolving Fund to support various special events
2017-R-18 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2017 Redevelopment Authority Revolving Fund for the purchase of chairs and tables for the Community Center and special event rentals
2017-R-19 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2018 Redevelopment Authority Revolving Fund to support various events and incentives
2017-R-20 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2017 Redevelopment Authority Revolving Fund for the purchase of an outdoor projector for events
2017-R-21 Approving and adopting an interlocal agreement to provide wholesale water service by and among Douglas County, Carson City, the Indian Hills General Improvement District, and the Town of Minden
2017-R-22 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2018 Redevelopment Authority Revolving Fund to support the Arlington Square Event Plaza
2017-R-23 Extending the moratorium adopted by Ordinance No. 2017-3, marijuana establishments
2017-R-24 To initiate the process for declaring a moratorium on the acceptance and processing of planning, construction or operation of marijuana establishments
2017-R-25 Interfund loans from the General Fund to the Grant Fund and the Street Maintenance Fund
2017-R-26 To augment and amend the 2016-17 budget
2017-R-27 Designating the Carson City Courthouse as the official location for sales of real property
2017-R-28 To levy the FY 2017-18 ad valorem tax rates certified by the Nevada Tax Commission
2017-R-29 Resolution of intent, proposing the issuance of and authorizing the publication of notices relating to general obligation sewer bonds
2017-R-30 Amending Resolution No. 2017-R-23 to exclude from the moratorium application submittal from existing MME cultivation, product manufacturing, and distribution facilities
2017-R-31 Authorizing expenditures of funds to non-profit organizations for FY 2018
2017-R-32 Amending the maximum number of residential building permit allocations
2017-R-33 Indicating the intent of Carson City, Nevada to issue its Hospital Revenue Bonds for construction, acquisition and equipping health care facilities, and for refunding certain hospital revenue bonds
2017-R-35 Adopting and approving a joint funding agreement for water resources investigations between Carson City and U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey
2017-R-36 Concerning the financing of sewer projects
2017-R-37 Authorizing the issuance of Carson City, Nevada Hospital Revenue Bonds Series 2017A to finance costs for health care facilities for the benefit of Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare
2017-R-38 Authorizing the issuance of Carson City, Nevada Variable Rate Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2017B, and 2017C
2017-R-39 Authorizing the issuance of Carson City, Nevada Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2017
2017-R-40 Proposing the issuance of and authorizing the publication of notices relating to general obligation sewer bonds
2017-R-41 Authorizing expenditure from the FY 2018 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support the Downtown Curry Streetscape Project
2017-R-42 Authorizing the Mayor of Carson City, Nevada to perform marriage ceremonies
2017-R-43 Determining that Carson City's ownership interest in water permit 36079 located in Washoe Valley is not required for public use